
The Honda Hawk GT Owners Network

In the sections below you will find links to .pdf scans of the orginal HawkWorks issues. Credit given to Pete Schinkel and his efforts to maintain and scan these files for the enjoyment of the Hawk enthusiasts. I have discussed these files with Roberty Pandya, who was one of the contributors and later "publisher" of the newsletter, and as far as we can tell, there shouldn't be any issues with hosting these files in the public domain. If anyone has an issue with these files, feel free to contact me via email and I would be glad to discuss it further.

Original editor/founder of HawkWorks: Steve Crimando, Gary Orr.

Other than that, enjoy the files, and if you see any that are missing, or have any additional public domain Honda Hawk NT650 files that would be worthwhile to host, feel free to contact me and I'd be glad to host the files. Click on the links below and it will pull up the .pdf file in a new window, or right click on the link and save the file to your hard drive. If you have any missing files, or know of additional HawkWorks issues, please let me know.

link to .pdf index of the HawkWorks files

Dates Volume Issue Notes size
May/June 1993 1 1 11M
July/August 1993 1 2 14M
May/June 1994 2 1 16M
November 1994 n/a 4 should be issue 2-2?? 9.8M
December 1994 2 3 13M
Jan/Feb 1995 3 1 11M
Mar/April 1995 3 2 12M
May/June 1995 3 3 14M
July/August 1995 3 4 16M
Sept/Oct 1995 3 5 16M
Nov/Dec 1995 3 6 15M
Jan/Feb 1996 4 1 12M
Mar/Apr 1996 4 2 17M
May/June 1996 4 3 11M
July/Aug 1996 4 4 11
Sept/Oct 1996 4 5 7.4M
Nov/Dec 1996 4 6 13M
Mar/Apr 1997 5 1 listed on cover as V5, Issue 6?? Mar/Apr 1997 16M
May/June 1997 5 2 16M
July/Aug 1997 5 3 19M
Sept/Oct 1997 5 4 20M
Nov/Dec 1997 5 6 Duplicate V5 issue 6 with Mar/April 1997? 16M
April 1998 6 1 26M
No month 1998 6 2 18M
No month 1998 6 3 15M
No month 1998 6 4 last of the known publications? 23M